
Getting Back On Track

Do you wonder why it is so easy to put on the weight and yet seems so difficult to take it off?

Well, don't beat yourself up if you gained a few pounds over the last few are not alone!

Here are some tips to get your diet back on track in a hurry:

1. Take inventory: Clean out the refrigerator and your cabinets of all the leftover junk. Throw it in the trash or take it to your local food bank if it is unopened.

2. Plan, plan, plan! Breakfast, lunch and dinner and healthy snacks. Be sure you aren't looking for food when ravenous and have nothing healthy to choose from. Make your own lunch and know what you are having for dinner.

3. JOURNAL your weight down.......remember, when you write down what you eat you focus on your good and not so good habits. Be accountable.....

4. Become a worker-bee! Be more active. You don't have to join a gym, just continue to increase your activity each day.

5. Take time out to relax. Doing stretches, listening to music, dancing, laughing.

Wishing you success and happiness!

Denise C. Williams, CLC

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